Hello !!name!! –

Thank you for signing up to receive GRAIN Magazine Issue No. 000.

You can view it online or download the PDF. Log in to your account here.

We work hard to find expert contributors for each issue of the magazine to craft a helpful, intentional reading experience that will help you focus on the things that matter most.

GRAIN Magazine is a one-of-a-kind magazine in its subscription format. We offer a lifetime subscription to the magazine for only $25, and you get access to all issues—past, present, and future!

If you enjoyed Issue No. 000 of GRAIN Magazine and would like access to all issues – past, present, and future – we invite you to sign up today.

With gratitude,
Maurício & Hugo
The GRAIN Magazine team

Hello !!name!! –

Thank you for your subscription to GRAIN Magazine.

You can view it online or download the PDF. Log in to your account here.

We work hard to find expert contributors for each issue of the magazine to craft a helpful, intentional reading experience that will help you focus on the things that matter most.

GRAIN Magazine is a one-of-a-kind magazine in its subscription format. We offer a lifetime subscription to the magazine for only $25, and you get access to all issues—past, present, and future!

Below are the details about your membership account and a receipt for your membership invoice.

Account: !!display_name!! (!!user_email!!)
Membership Level: !!membership_level_name!!
Membership Fee: !!membership_cost!!

Invoice #!!invoice_id!! on !!invoice_date!!
Total Billed: !!invoice_total!!

Billing Information:

!!cardtype!!: !!accountnumber!!
Expires: !!expirationmonth!!/!!expirationyear!!

Log in to your membership account here.

With gratitude,
Maurício & Hugo
The GRAIN Magazine team

With gratitude,
Maurício & Hugo
The GRAIN Magazine team

Hello !!name!! –