With a touch of grain

Photographs from digital cameras are truly amazing. Still, they need that little touch of grain to feel truly photographic. At least for those of us who grew up during the analog film days and can compare. It is just something in those pixel perfect digital files that seem surrealistic. Add a little grain of imperfection – voilà! The image is suddenly more pleasing to the eye…
It is great to see the interest among enthusiasts for the analog touch that can be added in post to digital files. I am sure some of them have never held analog cameras, or spent time in a darkroom, but they are somehow still drawn to the classic vibe of photography. Adding presets, grain, etc. during editing, can therefore be a gateway for being inspired to try analog photography, or to learn from the masters by studying books or their images online. There is also a myriad of specialized software plugins that simulate different film types, or recipes that can be applied in camera to simulate film. All are great tools for exploration.
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